For the past two weeks, my Wednesday bible study has been on vacation and I missed the last two Sundays in Church. I was so glad to finally get back to God. And as usual, it was perfect!
I've been praying about different things, people, areas, and relationships. I usually try really hard to listen to my gift of discernment, but sometimes I think I purposely avoid it without actually admitting it. I guess it's my flesh taking over or the worldly desires that tempt us at times. Even though I still pray for something I really want or want to do, does not mean God is going to change His mind, especially if you are praying for His will over your life. It sort of reminds me of my kids asking over and over for something and telling them, "every time you ask, the answer is STILL going to be no!"
We have been studying Genesis since September. I have enjoyed this study so much and NEVER thought the Old Testament could relate to me, especially the stories in Genesis, but boy does our Pastor preach it home!
Last night was about listening to God's voice and being patient. Just what I needed to hear, me, Ms Patient Be Not. Sometimes we like to put an AND or BUT in situations because it's our human solution. Now, I will be the first to admit that lately I have used "and" or "but" about a million times trying to justify my human solution. Good Golly!
The second life lesson I learned was this...When God does not supply all the details, it is an invitation to TRUST Him. I have deeply addressed an impatient heart. Impatients can cause an unfulfilled desire, a mistaken thought, or a worldly suggestion. That makes it easy to act without waiting for God first.
For the first time in my life, I have faced some pretty big giants. I don't want to listen to MY voice, I want to listen to GOD's voice. I have an opportunity to put God first and patiently wait for Him.
And the last lesson..."Helping" God out is usually motivated, not by wanting to see God glorified, but to see ourselves satisfied!
He is the only one who sees.