Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Parents Checklist

Hugged my child and told him, "I love you and so does God."
Luke 15:20

Prayed specifically for my child

Listened carefully when my child wanted to talk
Matthew 18:5

Read to my child
Proverbs 4:1-4

Discussed God with my child
Deut 4:9-10

Exhibited patience with my child
1 Corin 13:4

Expected obedience from my child
1 Tim 3:4

Sang or listened to music with my child
Psalm 8:2

Spoke about his daddy/mommy with love and respect
Col 3:18-19

Did not expect behavior beyond his age capabilities
1 Corin 13:11

Punished his disobedience with appropriate measures
Jeremiah 17:10

Helped my child learn something new about Jesus
Luke 2:52

Encourage my child to do something for someone else
Gal 6:10

Protected my child from evil and harmful influences
1 Corin 13:6-7

Challenged and helped my child to do something
1 Thess 5:14

Did not punish my child when I was angry
Psalm 103:8-14

Exhibited good manners for my child to model
Matt 7:9-12

Commended my child for Christ-like quality
Gal 5:22-23

Read the bible to my child
2 Tim 3:15

Prayed with my child
Matt 18:19-20

Modeled attributes I want my child to emulate
1 Corin 4:16

Laughed with, not at my child
Romans 12:15

Thanked my child for something he did
1 Thess 5:18

Gave my child some responsibility
Titus 3:14

Did not talk negatively in his presence
Proverbs 12:18

Praised and thanked my child more than I criticized him
Proverbs 16:24

Asked my child's forgiveness when I was wrong
James 4:6

Forgave my child immediately
2 Corin 2:7-8

Encouraged my child to trust God
Proverbs 3:5-6

Did not make a promise that I cannot keep
Ecc 5:5


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