Wednesday, July 13, 2011

My Sweet Spot

I use to think there was something wrong with me because I like things organized, neat and in its proper place.  I heard all the names that were associated with this and assumed it was bad.  After attending a ladies retreat focused on our sweet spots, I learned that being organized and neat was a gift. It was part of God's work in me! 

Starting school this fall is going to be a challenge since I will also be working full time while taking care of my beautiful, sweet treasures.  I'm honestly looking forward to these new challenges because I get to organize something!  Sounds weird I know, but I just can't help myself. 

The very first thing on my list was to create new adventures within bible lessons.  I never want anything to interfere with my deep desire to teach and train my children.  As seasons change, I look forward to curious questions and answers we discover in our quiet time together.

This will be the first year I spend more one on one time. Since my daughter is discovering boys and my son is discovering girls, it's much better to use my time wisely and separately. This subject will require some major detail along with so many other subjects I can't wait to touch on!

I came up with the idea to organize all my teaching tools in separate bins because it helps me stay focused.  And my brain can't function without some type of foreseen organization! If I know what I got, I can use it.

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to begin parenting, work, and education all full time at the same time.  It brings joy to my heart knowing that God has planned a new adventure for the three of us.  And what excites me even more, is the prize that's waiting in the end.

 "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." ~Philippians3:14

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